All materials, concrete blocks, base pads and wood wedges, water leveling, tires and hitch will come off and put under unit (if hitch is detachable) 6mil black visqueen plastic placed under unit.
The next step is proceeding with the tie down. A tie down is definitely necessary for proper installation, but how we go about starting the process will depend on soil conditions as well as site preparation. We will handle the process from start to finish, and leave you with one less thing to worry about.
Installed pre-engineered tie downs that are necessary for proper installation (will depend on soil conditions and site preparation) if a concrete slab is poured Moly's are the only option.
Once the tie down portion is complete, next is the skirting, which involves the metal or concrete panel. For this step, the skirt will be installed on pressure treated rail, for ground contact with the vinyl top and bottom accent. Once the skirting has been completed, your mobile home will be all ready to go!
Phone: 360-239-5048
Address: Centralia, WA, 98531
Licensed WAINS Installer: SMieHTM790LH
Washington State Contractor #: MobilHM778KU